Project Service: 106 + Environmental
Spring Brook Bridge
Rock County, in the southwest corner of Minnesota, has a remarkable collection of small concrete bridges. Many were the work of Perley Gillham, a self-taught architect and engineer active in…
Weyerhaeuser Lumber Yard
The Weyerhaeuser Timber Company—one of the most successful logging companies in the country—built a lumberyard in the Midway to take advantage of the nearby network of railroads. The yard served…
Water Power Park
With an awe-inspiring location on the Mississippi River at Saint Anthony Falls, Hennepin Island presented a unique opportunity for interpreting waterpower’s essential role in propelling Minneapolis’s growth in the late…
Lowertown Ballpark
Construction was about to begin on a new ballpark in downtown Saint Paul when Section 106 issues threatened to delay the project. The city asked us to help get through…
Zablocki Veterans Administration Medical Center
Established shortly after the Civil War, the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers ultimately evolved into the Veterans Administration. An expansive campus started in Milwaukee in 1867 was one of…
Minnesota Correctional Facility-Saint Cloud
History behind bars. Our work at the state’s historic Saint Cloud facility enabled modifications needed to bring the nineteenth-century facility up to twenty-first-century standards. Construction on the Minnesota State Reformatory…